why every church needs an eccentric lady

Last week I found a hair on my chin, it was not from the cat who had been sleeping on my clothes, it was firmly attached and sprouting in that random way that unwanted hairs have.  It was a sign that I had to think about something I have been repressing ever since I saw… Read More why every church needs an eccentric lady

listen to your discontent: the Holy Spirit’s prompt for every woman.

Let’s talk about discontent.  You know all about discontent right?  I know you feel it too.  I know that you have that feeling of restless dissatisfaction, that sense of burning grievance.   Perhaps like me you have that feeling every time you read an article that finds another way to silence women.  Another article that encourages… Read More listen to your discontent: the Holy Spirit’s prompt for every woman.

book reflection: women with a mission

On the first Monday of each month, I offer some reflections on a book I have been reading. These are not book reviews, but a reflection on how the book interacts with my story and the questions that I currently have. I share where the book takes me with my questions, whether it conjures up new ideas or questions, whether it helps me frame my experiences and gives me things to ponder.

Read More book reflection: women with a mission

dreams of prophetic re-creation

Following soon after the avalanche of tweets that was created by the #thingsonlychristianwomenhear,  last week an article in Christianity Today Women caused another furore.  In basic summary, the article suggested that that Christian women bloggers lead their followers astray because of their lack of accountability to church authorities.   Feelings were still running high about the… Read More dreams of prophetic re-creation